How to Lose 100+ Pounds and Keep it Off For Good

September 12, 2022 By Donald Maynard, MD, FACS In Weight Loss
Lose 100+ pounds and maintain your weight loss
When you need to lose 100+ pounds, getting started on a weight loss plan can be overwhelming. Most individuals who need to lose this amount of weight say that the weight gain happened over a period of several years, but it is one triggering event that acts as a “wake-up call” to their health. Th...

Expected Weight Loss after Bariatric Surgery

March 21, 2022 By Donald Maynard, MD, FACS In Weight Loss
weight loss after bariatric surgery
There are four standard bariatric procedures that help patients lose a significant amount of weight and keep it off long term. These procedures are the Gastric Band, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Sleeve, and Duodenal Switch. There are some critical differences between these procedures and the risks and be...

8 Healthy Habits to Lose Weight

August 01, 2021 By Donald Maynard, MD, FACS In Weight Loss
For over 20 years, I have worked with people who want to lose weight and avoid weight regain. For the same number of years, I have heard the most baffling words from these same people: “I don’t know how.”  I can’t imagine anything being farther from the truth! We all know the things require...