Why You May Need to Revise a Bariatric Procedure

May 29, 2023 By Donald Maynard, MD, FACS In Weight Regain
revision after weight loss surgery
After weight loss surgery, the goal is to improve long-term outcomes for bariatric surgery patients, including decreasing the necessity for a revision after weight loss surgery. Bariatric surgery results in a physiologic reset within the body that helps patients lose weight and maintain that weight ...

Donating Blood after Weight Loss Surgery

May 15, 2023 By Donald Maynard, MD, FACS In Post Weight Loss Surgery
Can I donate blood after weight loss surgery
If you are a healthy individual and qualify to give blood, donating blood is a great way to help sick people who need a blood transfusion. If you donated blood before having bariatric surgery, you might be wondering if you can continue to donate blood after weight loss surgery.  What to Know if You...

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

May 01, 2023 By Donald Maynard, MD, FACS In Post Weight Loss Surgery
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, reflux after weight loss surgery
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is the back-flow of acidic or non-acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is characterized by symptoms, with or without tissue damage, that result from repeated or prolonged exposure of the lining of the esophagus to acidic o...

Tips to Improve Your Portion Control and Eat Less

March 27, 2023 By Donald Maynard, MD, FACS In Post Weight Loss Surgery
portion Control after weight loss surgery
Portion control after bariatric surgery is a word that is frequently heard in the weight loss industry. Like any doctor or nutritionist will tell you, you cannot successfully lose weight without limiting the amount of food you consume during each meal. Although the right portion size is different fo...

4 Ways Bariatric Surgery Affects Hormones 

October 10, 2022 By Donald Maynard, MD, FACS In Post Weight Loss Surgery
4 Ways Bariatric Surgery Affects Hormones
Bariatric surgery affects hormones due to how your body responds to stress. Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate processes in the body. Hormones leptin, ghrelin, insulin, sex hormones, and growth hormones impact our appetite, metabolism, and body fat distribution and are affected after bar...